Course Description

This course is meant to be a space for you to examine and deepen your relationship to the field and your own practice through readings, discussions, and presentations.  The readings are meant to expand your perspective on the field of jewelry and metalsmithing, to define its particularities and concerns in relation to the discourses of the contemporary art world.

Together we will explore a series of seminal theoretical texts, seeking ways to relate them to our own practice.  Through these texts we will encounter a series of themes and historical perspectives that are crucial to the field of jewelry, while also delving into fields and areas of inquiry, that have not commonly been related to our field, but perhaps should or could be.  Our aim is to get a historical and interdisciplinary perspective on where we are as artists/makers today, how we got here and where we could go from here. The course aims to bring up critical questions on why we make, whom we make for and the meaning of our practice beyond the studio and the jewelry and metals world.

This is a chance to practice your skills in connecting theory, reading and writing to your work and to build a vocabulary and ground of reference around your ideas, interests and intentions. It’s a chance to take part in an intense discourse around your field, which you might be asked to do many times in the future of your career.

The Wednesday meetings will adopt the form of a reading/talking circle. Your role in the group is important and the success of our conversations will be based on your participation and engagement. We will all take turns in presenting and leading the discussion and also examine what “research through practice” might mean for us, by exploring some ways of connecting theory and making. 

Oct 13, 2009

trippy blog sites that compare the treatment of iraqi prisoners with art

i've definitely looked through mapplethorpe books before but was quite enthralled after reading Hickey's article so i sort of buzzed around google images - which can be a scary thing when you are looking up something like mapplethorpe's work....

and i did in fact find a couple trippy sites that were all listing the same photographic comparisons shown above. they were listing them for fairly slanted social-political views but the comparisons were interesting non the less.

they are comparing pictures that came out of how us soldiers were treating iraqi prisoners with art. in the first coupling is a photograph of prisoners piled naked next to dali's skulls, in the second the soldier is pissing on a prisoner next to mapplethorpe's photograph "jim and tom" and the last one is of an iraqi prisoner smeared with his own excrement paired next to performance artist karen finley smearing herself with chocolate. and well i don't recommend going to these trippy blog sites i thought the pictures, comparisons and questioning implications went very nicely with the reading...

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